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Message Development


Our MindMapping methodology quickly and effectively gets thoughts from your head onto a whiteboard. Then we create a plan for how to best deliver it.  


We Work with You To:

      • Understand audiences and their interests 

      • Use MindMapping to get organized and stay focused

      • Plan communications strategically

      • Develop memorable messages with quotable quotes

      • Create speeches, presentations, powerpoint decks

      • Prepare for or manage a crisis

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”  

    – Albert Einstein

Speech & Presentation Coaching

First, we help you craft your presentation. Then, coaching

addresses each participant’s needs and expertise to help them achieve their goals and beat the challenges of each event.


We Work with You To:

     • Relax when nervous

     • Maintain control under pressure 

     • Keep proper pacing 

     • Deliver solid, powerful messages

     • Use visual aids and props effectively

     • Deal with dissenters and interruptions

     • Use a teleprompter

     • Prepare for financial analyst and shareholder        

     meetings, roadshows, product launches, staff or board meetings​


Media Readiness Coaching


Dealing with the media can be frightening.  Going it alone is like walking into a courtroom without an attorney.  A lot is at stake in the “court of public opinion.”  


We Work with You To:

     • Deliver solid messages within media time constraints

     • Get quoted positively and accurately

     • Answer tough questions effectively

     • Stay in control while showing confidence

     • Prepare for interviews with local or national media,            wire services, trade press, media tours, press  


Put the pieces 
together the right way.
Be prepared for every communications event.

Concierge Coaching

Turtle Pieces

In business, communications issues often come up suddenly.  Even with the best advance planning, there are times when last-minute help is needed. That's when  Concierge Coaching helps put the pieces together. We're there for youwhenever you need counsel. It’s like having your own personal coach or concierge physician for communications. 

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