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Chodorow Associates was established in 1990 and has been helping all kinds of businesses –– public and private companies, startups, professional associations, public agencies, and not-for-profits –– for more than three decades. We specialize in sensitive and complex issues in technology, medicine, biotech, pharmaceuticals, transportation, finance, education and the arts.  

   Extensive experience includes a long list of client success stories, including coaching many hundreds of CEOs, senior executives and professionals from this broad range of businesses and industries. 

       Our guiding philosophy: 

• Work with everyone as an individual

• Understand each person's business and other challenges 

• Help every participant to be a better communicator

   Marc has spent forty years involved in nearly every major facet of business communications and has a broad breadth of experience. He works with CEOs and executives of large public companies as well as young founders just beginning their companies. He serves as an advisor for Refactor Capital helping its portfolio companies with their storytelling. Before founding Chodorow Associates, Marc led the corporate public and investor relations department of a major New York banking company and also taught in the Department of Communications at University of Buffalo (SUNY) for many years. For ten years as a reporter for radio and television stations and networks (NPR and CBC), he specialized in reporting on complex issues for a wide variety of audiences. He hosted daily radio interview programs, winning numerous awards for journalistic excellence. 


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